- getAngle() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the rotation angle of this TuioBlob.
- getAngle() - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Returns the rotation angle of this TuioObject.
- getAngle(float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the angle to the provided coordinates
- getAngle(TuioPoint) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the angle to the provided TuioPoint
- getAngleDegrees() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the rotation angle in degrees of this TuioBlob.
- getAngleDegrees() - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Returns the rotation angle in degrees of this TuioObject.
- getAngleDegrees(float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the angle in degrees to the provided coordinates
- getAngleDegrees(TuioPoint) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the angle in degrees to the provided TuioPoint
- getArea() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the area of this TuioBlob.
- getBlobID() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the Blob ID of this TuioBlob.
- getCursorID() - Method in class TUIO.TuioCursor
Returns the Cursor ID of this TuioCursor.
- getDistance(float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the distance to the provided coordinates
- getDistance(TuioPoint) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the distance to the provided TuioPoint
- getFrameID() - Method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Returns the Frame ID associated to this TuioTime.
- getHeight() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the height of this TuioBlob.
- getMicroseconds() - Method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Returns the TuioTime Microseconds component.
- getRotationAccel() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the rotation acceleration of this TuioBlob.
- getRotationAccel() - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Returns the rotation acceleration of this TuioObject.
- getRotationSpeed() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the rotation speed of this TuioBlob.
- getRotationSpeed() - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Returns the rotation speed of this TuioObject.
- getScreenHeight(int) - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the screen height of this TuioBlob.
- getScreenWidth(int) - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the screen width of this TuioBlob.
- getScreenX(int) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the X coordinate in pixels relative to the provided screen width.
- getScreenY(int) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the Y coordinate in pixels relative to the provided screen height.
- getSeconds() - Method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Returns the TuioTime Seconds component.
- getSessionTime() - Static method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Returns the present TuioTime representing the time since session start.
- getStartTime() - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the start time of this TuioPoint as TuioTime.
- getStartTime() - Static method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Returns the absolut TuioTime representing the session start.
- getSymbolID() - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Returns the symbol ID of this TuioObject.
- getSystemTime() - Static method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Returns the absolut TuioTime representing the current system time.
- getTotalMilliseconds() - Method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Returns the total TuioTime in Milliseconds.
- getTuioBlob(long) - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
Returns the TuioBlob corresponding to the provided Session ID
or NULL if the Session ID does not refer to an active TuioBlob
- getTuioBlobList() - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
Returns an ArrayList of all currently active TuioBlobs
- getTuioBlobs() - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
- getTuioCursor(long) - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
Returns the TuioCursor corresponding to the provided Session ID
or NULL if the Session ID does not refer to an active TuioCursor
- getTuioCursorList() - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
Returns an ArrayList of all currently active TuioCursors
- getTuioCursors() - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
- getTuioObject(long) - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
Returns the TuioObject corresponding to the provided Session ID
or NULL if the Session ID does not refer to an active TuioObject
- getTuioObjectList() - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
Returns an ArrayList of all currently active TuioObjects
- getTuioObjects() - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
- getTuioTime() - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the time stamp of this TuioPoint as TuioTime.
- getWidth() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the width of this TuioBlob.
- getX() - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the X coordinate of this TuioPoint.
- getY() - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the Y coordinate of this TuioPoint.
- TUIO - package TUIO
- TUIO_ROTATING - Static variable in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Defines the ROTATING state.
- TUIO_ROTATING - Static variable in class TUIO.TuioObject
Defines the ROTATING state.
- TuioBlob - Class in TUIO
The TuioBlob class encapsulates /tuio/2Dblb TUIO blobs.
- TuioBlob(long, int, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioBlob
This constructor takes the provided Session ID, Blob ID, X and Y coordinate
and angle, and assigs these values to the newly created TuioBlob.
- TuioBlob(TuioBlob) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioBlob
This constructor takes the atttibutes of the provided TuioBlob
and assigs these values to the newly created TuioBlob.
- TuioClient - Class in TUIO
The TuioClient class is the central TUIO protocol decoder component.
- TuioClient() - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioClient
The default constructor creates a client that listens to the default TUIO port 3333
- TuioClient(int) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioClient
This constructor creates a client that listens to the provided port
- TuioCursor - Class in TUIO
The TuioCursor class encapsulates /tuio/2Dcur TUIO cursors.
- TuioCursor(TuioTime, long, int, float, float) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioCursor
This constructor takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
Session ID, Cursor ID, X and Y coordinate to the newly created TuioCursor.
- TuioCursor(long, int, float, float) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioCursor
This constructor takes the provided Session ID, Cursor ID, X and Y coordinate
and assigs these values to the newly created TuioCursor.
- TuioCursor(TuioCursor) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioCursor
This constructor takes the atttibutes of the provided TuioCursor
and assigs these values to the newly created TuioCursor.
- TuioListener - Interface in TUIO
The TuioListener interface provides a simple callback infrastructure which is used by the
to dispatch TUIO events to all registered instances of classes that implement the TuioListener interface defined here.
- TuioObject - Class in TUIO
The TuioObject class encapsulates /tuio/2Dobj TUIO objects.
- TuioObject(TuioTime, long, int, float, float, float) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioObject
This constructor takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
Session ID, Symbol ID, X and Y coordinate and angle to the newly created TuioObject.
- TuioObject(long, int, float, float, float) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioObject
This constructor takes the provided Session ID, Symbol ID, X and Y coordinate
and angle, and assigs these values to the newly created TuioObject.
- TuioObject(TuioObject) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioObject
This constructor takes the atttibutes of the provided TuioObject
and assigs these values to the newly created TuioObject.
- TuioPoint - Class in TUIO
The TuioPoint class on the one hand is a simple container and utility class to handle TUIO positions in general,
on the other hand the TuioPoint is the base class for the TuioCursor and TuioObject classes.
- TuioPoint() - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioPoint
The default constructor takes no arguments and sets
its coordinate attributes to zero and its time stamp to the current session time.
- TuioPoint(float, float) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioPoint
This constructor takes two floating point coordinate arguments and sets
its coordinate attributes to these values and its time stamp to the current session time.
- TuioPoint(TuioPoint) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioPoint
This constructor takes a TuioPoint argument and sets its coordinate attributes
to the coordinates of the provided TuioPoint and its time stamp to the current session time.
- TuioPoint(TuioTime, float, float) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioPoint
This constructor takes a TuioTime object and two floating point coordinate arguments and sets
its coordinate attributes to these values and its time stamp to the provided TUIO time object.
- TuioTime - Class in TUIO
The TuioTime class is a simple structure that is used to reprent the time that has elapsed since the session start.
- TuioTime() - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioTime
The default constructor takes no arguments and sets
the Seconds and Microseconds attributes of the newly created TuioTime both to zero.
- TuioTime(long) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioTime
This constructor takes the provided time represented in total Milliseconds
and assigs this value to the newly created TuioTime.
- TuioTime(long, long) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioTime
This constructor takes the provided time represented in Seconds and Microseconds
and assigs these value to the newly created TuioTime.
- TuioTime(TuioTime) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioTime
This constructor takes the provided TuioTime
and assigs its Seconds and Microseconds values to the newly created TuioTime.
- TuioTime(TuioTime, long) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioTime
This constructor takes the provided TuioTime
and assigs its Seconds and Microseconds values to the newly created TuioTime.
- update(TuioTime, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
X and Y coordinate, angle, X and Y velocity, motion acceleration,
rotation speed and rotation acceleration to the private TuioBlob attributes.
- update(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
X and Y coordinate, angle, X and Y velocity, motion acceleration,
rotation speed and rotation acceleration to the private TuioBlob attributes.
- update(TuioTime, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
X and Y coordinate and angle to the private TuioBlob attributes.
- update(TuioBlob) - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Takes the atttibutes of the provided TuioBlob
and assigs these values to this TuioBlob.
- update(TuioTime, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
X and Y coordinate, angle, X and Y velocity, motion acceleration,
rotation speed and rotation acceleration to the private TuioObject attributes.
- update(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Assigns the provided X and Y coordinate, angle, X and Y velocity, motion acceleration
rotation velocity and rotation acceleration to the private TuioContainer attributes.
- update(TuioTime, float, float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided
X and Y coordinate and angle to the private TuioObject attributes.
- update(TuioObject) - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Takes the atttibutes of the provided TuioObject
and assigs these values to this TuioObject.
- update(TuioPoint) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Takes a TuioPoint argument and updates its coordinate attributes
to the coordinates of the provided TuioPoint and leaves its time stamp unchanged.
- update(float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Takes two floating point coordinate arguments and updates its coordinate attributes
to the coordinates of the provided TuioPoint and leaves its time stamp unchanged.
- update(TuioTime, float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Takes a TuioTime object and two floating point coordinate arguments and updates its coordinate attributes
to the coordinates of the provided TuioPoint and its time stamp to the provided TUIO time object.
- updateTuioBlob(TuioBlob) - Method in interface TUIO.TuioListener
This callback method is invoked by the TuioClient when an existing TuioBlob is updated during the session.
- updateTuioCursor(TuioCursor) - Method in interface TUIO.TuioListener
This callback method is invoked by the TuioClient when an existing TuioCursor is updated during the session.
- updateTuioObject(TuioObject) - Method in interface TUIO.TuioListener
This callback method is invoked by the TuioClient when an existing TuioObject is updated during the session.