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acceptMessage(Date, OSCMessage) - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
The OSC callback method where all TUIO messages are received and decoded and where the TUIO event callbacks are dispatched
add(long) - Method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Sums the provided time value represented in total Microseconds to this TuioTime.
add(TuioTime) - Method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Sums the provided TuioTime to the private Seconds and Microseconds attributes.
addTuioBlob(TuioBlob) - Method in interface TUIO.TuioListener
This callback method is invoked by the TuioClient when a new TuioBlob is added to the session.
addTuioCursor(TuioCursor) - Method in interface TUIO.TuioListener
This callback method is invoked by the TuioClient when a new TuioCursor is added to the session.
addTuioListener(TuioListener) - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
Adds the provided TuioListener to the list of registered TUIO event listeners
addTuioObject(TuioObject) - Method in interface TUIO.TuioListener
This callback method is invoked by the TuioClient when a new TuioObject is added to the session.
angle - Variable in class TUIO.TuioBlob
The rotation angle value.
angle - Variable in class TUIO.TuioObject
The rotation angle value.


blob_id - Variable in class TUIO.TuioBlob
The individual blob ID number that is assigned to each TuioBlob.


connect() - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
The TuioClient starts listening to TUIO messages on the configured UDP port All reveived TUIO messages are decoded and the resulting TUIO events are broadcasted to all registered TuioListeners
currentTime - Variable in class TUIO.TuioPoint
The time stamp of the last update represented as TuioTime (time since session start)
cursor_id - Variable in class TUIO.TuioCursor
The individual cursor ID number that is assigned to each TuioCursor.


disconnect() - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
The TuioClient stops listening to TUIO messages on the configured UDP port


equals(TuioTime) - Method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Takes a TuioTime argument and compares the provided TuioTime to the private Seconds and Microseconds attributes.


getAngle() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the rotation angle of this TuioBlob.
getAngle() - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Returns the rotation angle of this TuioObject.
getAngle(float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the angle to the provided coordinates
getAngle(TuioPoint) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the angle to the provided TuioPoint
getAngleDegrees() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the rotation angle in degrees of this TuioBlob.
getAngleDegrees() - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Returns the rotation angle in degrees of this TuioObject.
getAngleDegrees(float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the angle in degrees to the provided coordinates
getAngleDegrees(TuioPoint) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the angle in degrees to the provided TuioPoint
getArea() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the area of this TuioBlob.
getBlobID() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the Blob ID of this TuioBlob.
getCursorID() - Method in class TUIO.TuioCursor
Returns the Cursor ID of this TuioCursor.
getDistance(float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the distance to the provided coordinates
getDistance(TuioPoint) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the distance to the provided TuioPoint
getFrameID() - Method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Returns the Frame ID associated to this TuioTime.
getHeight() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the height of this TuioBlob.
getMicroseconds() - Method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Returns the TuioTime Microseconds component.
getRotationAccel() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the rotation acceleration of this TuioBlob.
getRotationAccel() - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Returns the rotation acceleration of this TuioObject.
getRotationSpeed() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the rotation speed of this TuioBlob.
getRotationSpeed() - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Returns the rotation speed of this TuioObject.
getScreenHeight(int) - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the screen height of this TuioBlob.
getScreenWidth(int) - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the screen width of this TuioBlob.
getScreenX(int) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the X coordinate in pixels relative to the provided screen width.
getScreenY(int) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the Y coordinate in pixels relative to the provided screen height.
getSeconds() - Method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Returns the TuioTime Seconds component.
getSessionTime() - Static method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Returns the present TuioTime representing the time since session start.
getStartTime() - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the start time of this TuioPoint as TuioTime.
getStartTime() - Static method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Returns the absolut TuioTime representing the session start.
getSymbolID() - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Returns the symbol ID of this TuioObject.
getSystemTime() - Static method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Returns the absolut TuioTime representing the current system time.
getTotalMilliseconds() - Method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Returns the total TuioTime in Milliseconds.
getTuioBlob(long) - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
Returns the TuioBlob corresponding to the provided Session ID or NULL if the Session ID does not refer to an active TuioBlob
getTuioBlobList() - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
Returns an ArrayList of all currently active TuioBlobs
getTuioBlobs() - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
getTuioCursor(long) - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
Returns the TuioCursor corresponding to the provided Session ID or NULL if the Session ID does not refer to an active TuioCursor
getTuioCursorList() - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
Returns an ArrayList of all currently active TuioCursors
getTuioCursors() - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
getTuioObject(long) - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
Returns the TuioObject corresponding to the provided Session ID or NULL if the Session ID does not refer to an active TuioObject
getTuioObjectList() - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
Returns an ArrayList of all currently active TuioObjects
getTuioObjects() - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
getTuioTime() - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the time stamp of this TuioPoint as TuioTime.
getWidth() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns the width of this TuioBlob.
getX() - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the X coordinate of this TuioPoint.
getY() - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Returns the Y coordinate of this TuioPoint.


initSession() - Static method in class TUIO.TuioTime
This static method globally resets the TUIO session time.
isConnected() - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
Returns true if this TuioClient is currently connected.
isMoving() - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Returns true of this TuioBlob is moving.
isMoving() - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Returns true of this TuioObject is moving.


refresh(TuioTime) - Method in interface TUIO.TuioListener
This callback method is invoked by the TuioClient to mark the end of a received TUIO message bundle.
removeAllTuioListeners() - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
Removes all TuioListener from the list of registered TUIO event listeners
removeTuioBlob(TuioBlob) - Method in interface TUIO.TuioListener
This callback method is invoked by the TuioClient when an existing TuioBlob is removed from the session.
removeTuioCursor(TuioCursor) - Method in interface TUIO.TuioListener
This callback method is invoked by the TuioClient when an existing TuioCursor is removed from the session.
removeTuioListener(TuioListener) - Method in class TUIO.TuioClient
Removes the provided TuioListener from the list of registered TUIO event listeners
removeTuioObject(TuioObject) - Method in interface TUIO.TuioListener
This callback method is invoked by the TuioClient when an existing TuioObject is removed from the session.
reset() - Method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Resets the seconds and micro_seconds attributes to zero.
rotation_accel - Variable in class TUIO.TuioBlob
The rotation acceleration value.
rotation_accel - Variable in class TUIO.TuioObject
The rotation acceleration value.
rotation_speed - Variable in class TUIO.TuioBlob
The rotation speed value.
rotation_speed - Variable in class TUIO.TuioObject
The rotation speed value.


setFrameID(long) - Method in class TUIO.TuioTime
associates a Frame ID to this TuioTime.
startTime - Variable in class TUIO.TuioPoint
The creation time of this TuioPoint represented as TuioTime (time since session start)
stop(TuioTime) - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
This method is used to calculate the speed and acceleration values of a TuioBlob with unchanged position and angle.
stop(TuioTime) - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
This method is used to calculate the speed and acceleration values of a TuioObject with unchanged position and angle.
subtract(long) - Method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Subtracts the provided time represented in Microseconds from the private Seconds and Microseconds attributes.
subtract(TuioTime) - Method in class TUIO.TuioTime
Subtracts the provided TuioTime from the private Seconds and Microseconds attributes.
symbol_id - Variable in class TUIO.TuioObject
The individual symbol ID number that is assigned to each TuioObject.


TUIO - package TUIO
TUIO_ROTATING - Static variable in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Defines the ROTATING state.
TUIO_ROTATING - Static variable in class TUIO.TuioObject
Defines the ROTATING state.
TuioBlob - Class in TUIO
The TuioBlob class encapsulates /tuio/2Dblb TUIO blobs.
TuioBlob(long, int, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioBlob
This constructor takes the provided Session ID, Blob ID, X and Y coordinate and angle, and assigs these values to the newly created TuioBlob.
TuioBlob(TuioBlob) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioBlob
This constructor takes the atttibutes of the provided TuioBlob and assigs these values to the newly created TuioBlob.
TuioClient - Class in TUIO
The TuioClient class is the central TUIO protocol decoder component.
TuioClient() - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioClient
The default constructor creates a client that listens to the default TUIO port 3333
TuioClient(int) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioClient
This constructor creates a client that listens to the provided port
TuioCursor - Class in TUIO
The TuioCursor class encapsulates /tuio/2Dcur TUIO cursors.
TuioCursor(TuioTime, long, int, float, float) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioCursor
This constructor takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided Session ID, Cursor ID, X and Y coordinate to the newly created TuioCursor.
TuioCursor(long, int, float, float) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioCursor
This constructor takes the provided Session ID, Cursor ID, X and Y coordinate and assigs these values to the newly created TuioCursor.
TuioCursor(TuioCursor) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioCursor
This constructor takes the atttibutes of the provided TuioCursor and assigs these values to the newly created TuioCursor.
TuioListener - Interface in TUIO
The TuioListener interface provides a simple callback infrastructure which is used by the TuioClient class to dispatch TUIO events to all registered instances of classes that implement the TuioListener interface defined here.
TuioObject - Class in TUIO
The TuioObject class encapsulates /tuio/2Dobj TUIO objects.
TuioObject(TuioTime, long, int, float, float, float) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioObject
This constructor takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided Session ID, Symbol ID, X and Y coordinate and angle to the newly created TuioObject.
TuioObject(long, int, float, float, float) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioObject
This constructor takes the provided Session ID, Symbol ID, X and Y coordinate and angle, and assigs these values to the newly created TuioObject.
TuioObject(TuioObject) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioObject
This constructor takes the atttibutes of the provided TuioObject and assigs these values to the newly created TuioObject.
TuioPoint - Class in TUIO
The TuioPoint class on the one hand is a simple container and utility class to handle TUIO positions in general, on the other hand the TuioPoint is the base class for the TuioCursor and TuioObject classes.
TuioPoint() - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioPoint
The default constructor takes no arguments and sets its coordinate attributes to zero and its time stamp to the current session time.
TuioPoint(float, float) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioPoint
This constructor takes two floating point coordinate arguments and sets its coordinate attributes to these values and its time stamp to the current session time.
TuioPoint(TuioPoint) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioPoint
This constructor takes a TuioPoint argument and sets its coordinate attributes to the coordinates of the provided TuioPoint and its time stamp to the current session time.
TuioPoint(TuioTime, float, float) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioPoint
This constructor takes a TuioTime object and two floating point coordinate arguments and sets its coordinate attributes to these values and its time stamp to the provided TUIO time object.
TuioTime - Class in TUIO
The TuioTime class is a simple structure that is used to reprent the time that has elapsed since the session start.
TuioTime() - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioTime
The default constructor takes no arguments and sets the Seconds and Microseconds attributes of the newly created TuioTime both to zero.
TuioTime(long) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioTime
This constructor takes the provided time represented in total Milliseconds and assigs this value to the newly created TuioTime.
TuioTime(long, long) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioTime
This constructor takes the provided time represented in Seconds and Microseconds and assigs these value to the newly created TuioTime.
TuioTime(TuioTime) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioTime
This constructor takes the provided TuioTime and assigs its Seconds and Microseconds values to the newly created TuioTime.
TuioTime(TuioTime, long) - Constructor for class TUIO.TuioTime
This constructor takes the provided TuioTime and assigs its Seconds and Microseconds values to the newly created TuioTime.


update(TuioTime, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided X and Y coordinate, angle, X and Y velocity, motion acceleration, rotation speed and rotation acceleration to the private TuioBlob attributes.
update(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided X and Y coordinate, angle, X and Y velocity, motion acceleration, rotation speed and rotation acceleration to the private TuioBlob attributes.
update(TuioTime, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided X and Y coordinate and angle to the private TuioBlob attributes.
update(TuioBlob) - Method in class TUIO.TuioBlob
Takes the atttibutes of the provided TuioBlob and assigs these values to this TuioBlob.
update(TuioTime, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided X and Y coordinate, angle, X and Y velocity, motion acceleration, rotation speed and rotation acceleration to the private TuioObject attributes.
update(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Assigns the provided X and Y coordinate, angle, X and Y velocity, motion acceleration rotation velocity and rotation acceleration to the private TuioContainer attributes.
update(TuioTime, float, float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Takes a TuioTime argument and assigns it along with the provided X and Y coordinate and angle to the private TuioObject attributes.
update(TuioObject) - Method in class TUIO.TuioObject
Takes the atttibutes of the provided TuioObject and assigs these values to this TuioObject.
update(TuioPoint) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Takes a TuioPoint argument and updates its coordinate attributes to the coordinates of the provided TuioPoint and leaves its time stamp unchanged.
update(float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Takes two floating point coordinate arguments and updates its coordinate attributes to the coordinates of the provided TuioPoint and leaves its time stamp unchanged.
update(TuioTime, float, float) - Method in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Takes a TuioTime object and two floating point coordinate arguments and updates its coordinate attributes to the coordinates of the provided TuioPoint and its time stamp to the provided TUIO time object.
updateTuioBlob(TuioBlob) - Method in interface TUIO.TuioListener
This callback method is invoked by the TuioClient when an existing TuioBlob is updated during the session.
updateTuioCursor(TuioCursor) - Method in interface TUIO.TuioListener
This callback method is invoked by the TuioClient when an existing TuioCursor is updated during the session.
updateTuioObject(TuioObject) - Method in interface TUIO.TuioListener
This callback method is invoked by the TuioClient when an existing TuioObject is updated during the session.


xpos - Variable in class TUIO.TuioPoint
X coordinate, representated as a floating point value in a range of 0..1


ypos - Variable in class TUIO.TuioPoint
Y coordinate, representated as a floating point value in a range of 0..1
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